This,  a new product on the market from Posta Uganda, is a Postal Address without the Post box.

How it works

When you roll on for the service, you are issued with a Postal Address but without a physical post box. All mails and parcels sent to you are received at the post office counter by providing the Postal Officer with your Virtual Postal Box details. Related Article: Posta Kenya’s MPost service converts mobile phones into Virtual Post Office Addresses

The Costs

Acquiring the Virtual Postal Box actually costs just 75% of the current cost of a post box at whichever post office you visit. For Example, the current cost of a post box at the Wandegeya Post Office is 20,000/-. This makes the cost of the Virtual Postal Box at the office 15,000/-, 75% of 20,000/. If at all a physical post box is availed later, a customer is issued one and they have to pay the additional 25% rate of the physical box at that particular post office. Posta Uganda notes that the “virtual postal box service is not a replacement for physical post boxes and is therefore only available in the absence of a physical box.”