After registering for the service, you simply have to enter your location, choose a restaurant within your location, check through the various menus or jump straight to what you particularly want, make an order and the restaurant delivers to your door step. You pay cash on delivery and food is delivered at no extra fee.

You can also order on the go using the HelloFood app available for iPhone and Android when you aren’t on your desk or cannot access a computer. We haven’t personally used the service but tinkering with the website reveals limited restaurants and locations currently meaning If you were far away from the city center, You probably won’t be able to order online. HelloFood currently has 6 restaurants subscribed and majorly delivers within Kampala. We have written to HelloFood and will also be doing a hands on review of the service soon. HelloFood is an affiliate brand of FoodPanda and it is the leading global online food delivery marketplace, active in more than 40 countries on five continents. The company enables restaurants to become visible in the online and mobile world and provides them with a constantly evolving online technology. For consumers, HelloFood offer the convenience to order food online and the widest gastronomic range from where they can choose their favorite meal on the web or via the app

HelloFood ug Wants To Deliver Food To You Wherever You May Be In Kampala - 92HelloFood ug Wants To Deliver Food To You Wherever You May Be In Kampala - 68