Related Article: WhatsApp vs Telegram feature by feature comparison Furthermore, in the first four months of 2021, Telegram saw a sudden surge in the number of new users on its platform – this was owing to WhatsApp’s new Terms of Service which alters how Facebook accesses WhatsApp users’ Data and chat. Telegram is big on the privacy and security of its users, and this was a factor in the exodus of WhatsApp users to the platform. Some of the features that Telegram offers its users include the ability to edit texts they have sent multiple times, the ability to delete messages without the “This message was deleted” notification – the type you get when you delete a message on WhatsApp, and the ability to send video messages. In this article, we will show you how to send video messages to your friends on Telegram.

How to Send Video Messages on Telegram

The first thing to do is to update your Telegram app.Then, open the Telegram app and go to the chat you want to a video message to

Tap once on the voice message button to switch it to video mode.

Then just like you would do while recording a voice chat, swipe up to lock the recording. Or you can just tap and hold to record.

If you are not satisfied with the video you are recording, just slide to the left to cancel.Once you’re done recording, tap the blue arrow button to send.

The cool thing about Telegram’s video message feature is that it features a picture-in-picture mode within Telegram which lets you chat with other friends while watching a video. The video message feature is my favorite feature on Telegram by a long mile. What feature do you actively use on Telegram? Tell us in the comment section below.

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