Pshh! What’s so interesting about another smartphone brand on the market, you ask? Nothing, really. Only that these homegrown Pixan smartphones, powered by Android, are designed by a team of ambitious developers in Uganda. The mere gymnastics it takes to achieve one of the most complex supply chain systems is mind-boggling. More on that in due course. Pixan Corp., in partnership with Fund Africa Inc., is hosting its first ever convention at Innovation Village. The idea behind this convention is to cast the seeds of what will be known as Pixan Developers. This will be a non-profit online platform fully financed by Pixan Corporation Ltd., that aims to build a community of developers. The end game is to empower local developers, startups with opportunities like industrial design, product design, business development, financial management, research, etc. It was created to achieve the vision of empowering innovators and inventors in Africa, focusing on Uganda for now, with the theme “Building Communities: A Competitive Advantage for Ugandan Innovators in the Global Economy.”

Pixan Corp Developers Platform

Let’s get back to what Pixan Developers has in store for us. This online platform shall avail tools and expertise to individual developers and organisations in Uganda to boost their innovations, as part of a wider tech community. Pixan Corp. Ltd aims at helping over 30 startups in both hardware and software product development by 2020 through said platform. The Pixan Corp Developers Convention 2018 is will serve as the inauguration of the Pixan Developers platform and a bold proclamation that this fledgeling company, Pixan Corp. Ltd., means business. The objective of the slated meet-and-greet is to break the ice and foster a symbiotic relationship with the local community of developers. Pixan Corp, Ltd. will unveil their future plans as they strive to create inroads in the local tech scene. Now, the convention dubbed Pixan Developers Conference ’18 is aimed at explaining how tech developers can work with each other; i.e. developing a “tech community” and providing the platform on which the much-needed collaboration will take place. Pixan Corp. believes that this platform provides certain tools and comes with certain benefits that are quite hard to come by in Africa.

The Philosophy

It is important to note that Pixan Corp. Ltd. was founded on philosophy–and that philosophy revolved around the notion of “how to empower the neglected innovation and talent.” The business of innovation and invention hasn’t really taken off here in Uganda because there is no uniting factor that brings all the scientific minds together. It’s like everyone is in their own little cocoon and they have refused to acknowledge the rest of the world. So it is impossible to have our own silicon valley. It’s impossible to have specialists who are highly skilled in a particular department given that we can’t specialize. It also makes it impossible to drum up support, especially financially, since there is no uniting factor. Supporting each other as developers is impossible given that there is no credible network in the fraternity of innovators. It’s an open secret that the tech community in Uganda is ailing, even though we have a very large number of qualified graduates. Could it be that we are not connecting? Perhaps we are still not organized since we lack opinion leaders in this industry. We have not yet created a community that works and thrives together. At the convention, Pixan Corp. wants to launch a platform on which developers and other technocrats can meet their peers and have access to a large pool of knowledge, tools and resources. Secondly, there’ll be a Developers’ Programme which is a crash course in certain fields of specialization.

Who can participate?

There are two things to talk about here. The Convention, which is the event is completely free to attend by the general public. As for the Pixan Developer’s platform, students, individual professionals, or as organizations (firms) can take advantage of the platform at a reasonable subscription fee. This will help the corporation to maintain the platform and support tooling.

When and Where?

The Innovation Village Kampala Thursday, February 22nd, 2018 at 04:00 pm

How to register

Open this link:

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