But as WhatsApp was getting all the limelight and racking up an army of loyal users, two Russian brothers introduced a rival messaging app in 2013 that they called Telegram. Telegram at first sight can be mistaken for a WhatsApp clone but in all honesty, that’s where the family resemblance ends. Boasting over 200 million users, Telegram isn’t ready yet to be written off as just a cool-kid thing. There’s a reason this 5 year old app has retained a cult following where many have failed. I personally made a conscious decision to use Telegram two years ago (despite missing the call feature) and I have never had any regrets. Here’s why: In light of these cool features, many of which have not been mentioned, it goes to show that Telegram is in a league of its own and WhatsApp, the darling of chat has to play catch-up. Or maybe Zuckerberg is thinking of ways of monetising some of these features. Who knows. Send me a telegram if you do.

Seven Reasons I Chose Telegram App over WhatsApp - 62Seven Reasons I Chose Telegram App over WhatsApp - 82Seven Reasons I Chose Telegram App over WhatsApp - 91Seven Reasons I Chose Telegram App over WhatsApp - 79