To err is human, but to replace wrongly sent media is something Telegram now does off the bat. On that point, it doesn’t take much to replace photos and videos with the correct one right away. Simply tap the empty space right next to your image to pull up options. In the options, choose edit after which you can edit the captions or ‘tap to edit media’. And that’s it. On laptop, just right click on the media in question to replace it.

Double-speed Playback for Voice and Video Messages

Telegram’s playback feature lets you switch to 2X playback when listening to voice note and video messages. This way you can hear a long message at half the time. If you have watched Alvin the and Chipmunks, just know that 2X playback has an uncanny resemblance to Alvin and his friends singing. Well, Telegram does say they spent some time trying not to make your friends sound like that, but these things have a mind of their own if you know what I mean.

Mark as Read or Unread


 Share Multiple Numbers with Contacts

Before this update, there was nothing interactive about shared contacts. The only other option was to open the contact in phone contacts. With this update, you can select what data e.g multiple phone numbers and other vCard fields before you send a contact.

Other new features (Android Only)

Tap and hold the profile picture in chat list to see a chat preview of the last chat. Create links from text. Cancel messages before they send.

Telegram 4 8 10  Android    4 8 3  iOS  bring Replaceable Media  Share vCards  Mark as Unread   2X Voice Messages - 13Telegram 4 8 10  Android    4 8 3  iOS  bring Replaceable Media  Share vCards  Mark as Unread   2X Voice Messages - 2Telegram 4 8 10  Android    4 8 3  iOS  bring Replaceable Media  Share vCards  Mark as Unread   2X Voice Messages - 48Telegram 4 8 10  Android    4 8 3  iOS  bring Replaceable Media  Share vCards  Mark as Unread   2X Voice Messages - 40Telegram 4 8 10  Android    4 8 3  iOS  bring Replaceable Media  Share vCards  Mark as Unread   2X Voice Messages - 63Telegram 4 8 10  Android    4 8 3  iOS  bring Replaceable Media  Share vCards  Mark as Unread   2X Voice Messages - 99